Apr 01, 2021

In need of a reset

A crucial component of my quarterly planning is a week of rest after a 12-week sprint of work. I have ignored it the past few quarters and now I am feeling why they are necessary.

I feel disoriented and trapped in a cycle of falling behind on tasks.

I’m in need of a recharge but right now is the worst time for me to take a break because of String Theory. Spring is primetime for us so I need to power through.

BUT, I’m reserving my next break now. I WILL take a break at the end of this quarter regardless of whether I feel I have time for it. 

From June 18-27 I am taking time off. Fuck String Theory, fuck this blog, fuck reading, fuck meditation, fuck it all.

And you know what, I’m also taking Sundays off starting now. That was initially part of my planning that I started to ignore too but I need to reclaim my time.