Feb 13, 2021

Reaching the early adopters

How will you reach the early adopters and neophiliacs? This is the small minority of individuals in your market looking for the next new thing to try. 

They play an important role in building trust for your new product or service that will eventually cross the chasm to the rest of the market.

Our strategy starts with stringers. We already follow a decent number of people on Instagram who are trying to break into the market of offering lacrosse stringing online. Some are already very successful but others could use a helping hand. We will offer that help to them in exchange for them joining and doing business through our platform. 

Our first stringer is me and by helping me grow my business here on Long Island we will develop the tactics to grow and prove the concept. We will then scale these tactics to stringers across the nation.

I think our company already appeals to early adopter players because we are offering lacrosse stringing in a very different way from what’s been done before by going fully online and including pickup and delivery with the service to make it really convenient. 

To convince those that might be on the fence, we will be doing giveaways and team order promotions to get people to try and spread the word of String Theory.