Jan 18, 2021

2021 week 3 plan

The focus for this week is the start of development on an MVP for a new kind of String Theory

Currently, you go to String Theory and go through the process of ordering a stick to be restrung in much the same way you would at any other store like String It Up or Lacrosse Unlimited. 

In the new and improved String Theory, theorists will have their own profiles which act as their own store on the platform and you can choose from many stringers located all over the U.S. To our customers, String Theory will be a platform instead of a service provider. We will be providing the connections to talented stringers everywhere.

I’ve already finished the designs. The plan is to have this feature implemented in 2 weeks which will certainly be a hell of a sprint but I’m excited about the direction we are taking the business.

I will also be finishing This Is Marketing by Seth Godin this week. I’m halfway through and this book has already made me realize just how bad of a marketer I am and how important effective marketing is. It has given me new ideas for how to position the brand of String Theory. I have a lot to say about this book but I will save it for a future post.

On a personal note, I am looking forward to checking out a new place on Friday that I’m potentially moving into with a friend. I am also looking forward to having a birthday dinner with my family on Saturday.