Jan 24, 2021

2021 week 3 retro

The good

Did I say last week kicked my ass? It’s hard for me to find the good in this week and I’m feeling pretty low. 

I kept up with my daily exercise and writing habits. I also made time to walk for at least 15 minutes each day.

My weight started dropping and I weighed in at 163 pounds today. This was my target for the cut so I’m happy with that.

The bad

Last week, I was proud of the design updates I made for String Theory. This week, I changed my mind. They are still not right so I’m not done with them yet. 

I still haven’t started development but I think I can get started today. This also changes my timeline and expectations for what I’m going to get done this quarter. I’m going to have to postpone customer accounts and subscriptions. This might not be a bad thing because I have felt pretty overwhelmed with my expectations so far.

My sleep schedule is a dumpster fire. I ended up getting a lot of sleep last weekend but during the week, I couldn’t keep it consistent. One night, I became obsessed with the String Theory design updates that I was no longer happy with so I stayed up until 3AM. Then, I felt I needed to catch up on my day job work so I pulled an all-nighter to do that.

Looking ahead

Cutting out one of the big development efforts for String Theory will make the work more manageable to get done. I think I bit off more than I could or should chew. If I did get it all done, it probably wouldn’t have been great work.

SLEEP. I NEED to prioritize it. Schedule less work; I’m burning myself out.