Jan 17, 2021

2021 week 2 retro

The good

Although I didn’t get it done as fast as I wanted to, I am really proud of the String Theory design updates and I can’t wait to implement them!

I wrote and published everyday like I promised myself I would (even if it wasn’t good writing).

I finished the first 10 chapters of This Is Marketing and I’m getting so many great insights from this book!

I got my dentist appointment out of the way.

The bad

This week kicked my ass and it’s partially my fault. 

I’m stuck in a bad cycle of not getting enough sleep, then sleeping too late, then falling behind on work so that I work late, then falling asleep late. Clearly, I’m not hitting my sleep goals this quarter right now.

I might be trying to pack too much work in. I need time to decompress.

I’m skipping my daily hour-long walks. I miss them as they are a necessary break from all the noise.

My weight is not dropping fast enough even though I cut calories. This is probably due to me missing my walks so I’m not burning the same amount of calories.

I’m probably spending too much time on my phone.

Looking ahead

This weekend I am correcting my sleep. I’m going to go to bed early Saturday night to get on track.

Carefully plan work this week. Maybe plan 20% less than I think I can do.

Even if I don’t feel like I have time, it is better to walk for at least 15 minutes than to skip it entirely.

I will fast Sunday to get my weight loss on track.

Does my phone need to be on during the day? Maybe I can just shut it off. I can definitely at least stop using it for looking at my to-do list.